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Forum Posts

Oct 03, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
All wars US waged are justified, but not all are necessary, from none of them American people came out a complete victor. Wars are like medications, they have intended effects and unintended side effects. Many times the side effects outweigh the benefits. WWII had glorious and triumphant results for the US, but its side effects were also very severe. Geopolitically, WWII resulted in the Soviet Bloc, the brutal, murderous, evil, and vicious communist countries from East Germany to East Europe to Mongolia to Mainland China, North Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba. Domestically, WWII gave FDR the excuse for him to get the third and fourth terms as POTUS and started the nonreversable process of turning this country into a social welfare state that led to today's nightmare.
Oct 03, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Sea, you are great. I like all your ideas and plans. But you seem to be missing a hat. You didn't make it very clear about your political party affiliation. Based on your ideas and personal experiences, I believe you're a conservative. But are you a Republican? Get the Grand Old Party stand behind you can get you very far. You should be a star in the Republican Party.


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